


Crystals are the offspring of Heaven and Earth’s marriage. Since the beginning of formation of this universe, they are and will be an active part of earth’s crust. Everything in the universe is composed of ever-moving atomic particles and the atoms of all crystals are quite active. They are used as mystical tools, energy generators, communication enhancers and medical instruments.

Primitive men used rocks and crystals for performing various rituals and spiritual healing. They were also used as jewellery, beauty and persona enhancement. These days, you will find their applications in radios, watches and various communication equipment. All these leads to the solution about the wonderful and wide range of applications of crystals and how they can be used best to live life best. Even our body is formed of various minerals just like how crystals are formed – that makes a definite relationship and friendship between them and us.

A thorough and perfect knowledge of crystals lets you lead a harmonious life. They work wonders to your imaginations, thoughts and creativity.

March 21 - April 19
Amethyst, Jasper
April 20 - May 20
Emerald, Carnelianr
May 21 - June 21
June 22 - July 22
Pearl, Moonstone
July 23 - Aug 22
Ruby, Jade
Aug 23 - Sep 22
Tourmaline, Beryl
Sep 23 - Oct 23
Sapphire, Opal
Oct 24 - Nov 21
Agate, Malachite
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Lapis Lazuli, Topaz
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Turquoise, Garnet
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Onyx, Clear Quartz
Feb 19 - March 20
Coral, Amber

This ancient Chinese art of placement focuses on balance and chi (energy) in the home. Placing the stones as below brings healing and energy to your life. Using these serenity principles in conjunction with crystals one can relax and recharge a wonderful environment around home.

1 Helpful People / Travel Front Right Moonstone
2 Career Center Front Black Tourmaline
3 Skill & Knowledge Front Left Lapis Lazuli
4 Abundance Left Rear Amethyst
5 Fame / Reputation Central Rear Garnet
6 Love / Relationships Right Rear Rose Quartz
7 Creativity / Children Right Center Clear Quartz
8 Family Left Center Green Jade
9 Health / Harmony Centre Citrine

N. BODY CHAKRAS, KUNDALINI, REIKI & CRYSTAL STONES – All these terms are inter-related since their healing properties and spiritual awakening levels are closely bonded. Knowledge about the theory of chakras can help you better understand yourself, your life, and your development, making it possible for you to deal with yourself in a more harmonious manner. A chakra (Sanskrit – wheel) is an energy center of the body that organizes certain life processes on physical, mental and emotional level. Clairvoyants see a chakra as a many-colored, rotating wheel. The Chakras are energy centres within the body. They act somewhat like psychic organs that produce and distribute energies throughout your being. In most people the Chakras are not active hence the lack of people who are aware of their intuitive and psychic sides.

Kundalini (power of desire and self-realization) means a Coiled Corporeal Energy which lies coiled at the bottom of the spine within Muladhara Chakra. The progress of kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of awakening and mystical experience, until the kundalini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrara chakra, producing an extremely profound mystical experience. The awakening process can be done by means of yoga, meditation and pranayama.

Reiki is universal life force energy also known as touch therapy / energy therapy / palm healing therapy combined by two words Rei (soul / spirit) and Ki (vital energy). It is a spiritual practice developed by a Japanese Buddhist Dr. Mikao Usui. This spiritual energy is already there in all the living beings which by means of Reiki, the therapist transfers / channels it to the patient by gently laying hands on specific place. This process activates the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restores physical and emotional well-being.

In giving Reiki an understanding of the aspects of each chakra can be of great value, as patterns of emotional or psychological behaviour are assigned to particular chakras. Interestingly the chakras are in the sequence of VIBGYOR from top to bottom. Various stones / crystals are used for the healing properties / activation / attunement of these chakras.

ROOT CHAKRA (MULADHAR): The 1st Chakra is known as the Root or Base Chakra which exhibits the qualities of physical energy and vitality. The meaning of this chakra is root of our support. It is located at the perineum or base of spine. When this Chakra is blocked we experience: Lack of energy and vitality, depression, anxiety, fear, anger and frustration.


Colour – Red

Element – Earth

Topic – Survival, flight, preservation of species, fight

Organs – Bones, nails, teeth, adrenal glands, legs and everything solid within the body

Key Words: Trust and Security

SEXUAL / SACRAL CHAKRA (SVADHISHTHANA): Commonly known as the sexual centre of the body, this chakra means your own dwelling place. When this chakra is blocked we experience: guilt, stiff lower back, restlessness, lack of sexual desire, confusion. It is located below the belly button between the genitals and naval.


Colour – Orange

Element – Water

Topic – Joy, closeness, relationship, desire

Organs – Urogenital system, kidneys, skin, arms and everything fluid within the body

Key Words: Self Worth and Emotional Boundaries

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA (MANIPUR): Commonly known as the power centre of the body, this chakra means the dwelling place of jewels. When this chakra is blocked we experience: shame, anger, fear, bitterness, resentment, prejudice and hate. It is located at the solar plexus of our body.


Colour – Yellow

Element – Fire

Topic – Power, domination, fear, karma, separation

Organs – Digestive system, liver, solar plexus, nervous system, joints

Key Words: Power and Ego

HEART CHAKRA (ANAHATA): Commonly known as the heart centre of the body, this chakra means that which is ever new. When this chakra is blocked we experience emotional instability. It is located at the centre of the chest.


Colour – Green

Element – Air

Topic – Love, unity

Organs – Heart, pancreas, thymus gland

Key Words: Giving and Receiving

THROAT CHAKRA (VISHUDDHA): Commonly known as the throat centre of the body, this chakra means that which is purest of pure. When this chakra is blocked we experience difficulty in communication, manipulative speech. It is located at the throat of our body.


Colour – Blue

Element – Ether / Space

Topic – Self-expression, individuality, communication

Organs – Neck, lungs, thyroid gland

Key Words: Communication and Creative Expression.

THIRD EYE / FOREHEAD CHAKRA (AGNA): Commonly known as the third eye chakra of the body, this chakra means command. When this chakra is blocked we experience blindness, headache, nightmares, and eyestrain. It is located on the forehead between the eyebrows.


Colour – Indigo

Element – Light

Topic – Perceptions of one’s own path in the cosmic content

Organs – Ears, nose, eyes and pituitary gland

Key-Words: Perception-and-Self Reflection.

CROWN CHAKRA (SAHASRARA): Commonly known as the crown centre, this chakra means thousand petalled lotuses. When this chakra is blocked we experience depression, confusion, inability to learn. It is located at the crown of the head.


Colour – Violet

Element – Consciousness

Topic – Cosmic Consciousness, transformation

Organs – Pineal gland

Key Words: Wisdom and Understanding

Thus, we find that all the chakras are inter-related to each other and directly or indirectly lead to our senses and the way we think. By the way of Reiki, Yoga, Meditation we can activate these chakras and thereby our body senses leading to the activation of Kundlini Shakti.

Chakra Healing

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”. A chakra is like a vortex: a constantly revolving wheel of energy. These vortexes connect the subtle bodies and act as transducers for life-force energy.

The chakras distribute the life force through the physical and subtle bodies. They are the source of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy.

Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body. They are aligned with the spine and located in the base of the spine, the lower abdomen (sacral), the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the centre of the forehead (third eye), and the crown of the head.

When our chakras are blocked, or not in balance, the free flow of energy is impeded, leading to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease. When the chakras are unblocked and free-flowing, however, we enjoy optimum health.

Each chakra is associated with specific colours and crystals and governs different aspects of human emotion and behaviour. Using gemstones with the chakras can have a great healing effect.

Balancing Your Chakras

Crystals can be used for balancing and healing our chakras. To do this, you will need seven stones – one for the colour of each chakra. Ensure that they are thoroughly cleansed and small enough to be placed on your body. Use crystal suggestions from each of the chakras listed below.

Base Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra

Chakra Balancing Treatment

You can do this simple chakra balancing treatment on yourself or on someone else. If you know that a particular chakra needs balancing, it is not essential to use seven stones. Simply place your chosen stone on the chakra that is out of alignment.

If you are working with someone else, carry out the treatment with the receiver lying either on their front or back, whichever is the most comfortable.

Firstly, ensure that you are both relaxed. Position yourself at the receiver’s feet and centre yourself, taking a few deep breaths and releasing any negativity. Slowly and gently, place the seven stones you have chosen on each of the chakras on your partner’s body. Leave the crystals in place for between 15-20 minutes, to allow the energies to become integrated into the chakras.

Remove the crystals slowly, starting at the crown and working downwards to the base. Gently rub your partner’s feet to help ground and balance them.

Ask your partner to open their eyes gently, when they are ready. If necessary, give them a grounding stone to hold for a while and offer them a glass of water.


When you first obtain crystals or have been using them for some time, or even if they have been left sitting around somewhere, they will have absorbed a range of different energies that they will have been exposed to by yourself and others who may have handled them and transferred various energies and emotions into them.

Therefore, it’s important to ‘cleanse’ your crystals as soon as you obtain them, and on a regular basis (daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on use) however, you may have been given a crystal as a gift from someone who may have programmed it specially for you with specific energies. In this case the stone may not need this initial cleansing.

This cleansing process isn’t a ‘physical’ cleaning with soap and water, but intended to cleanse the stone of its stored energies, both good and bad, which can be released again by the stone at any time and once it becomes loaded with energy. Crystals used specifically for healing should be cleansed before and after use.

Several cleansing methods are recommended, they are:


Suitable crystals can be left to soak in sea water or water mixed with sea salt. Cooking salt can also be used if sea salt/water is not available. You should fill a glass bowl (not metal) about half to one third full and place your crystals so they are fully submerged in the salt water for anywhere between 1 to 24 hours. Many people leave them in salt water overnight but a crystal that needs a much deeper and more thorough cleansing can be left for up to 1 week. You should thoroughly rinse your crystals in cool running water after spending time in salt water to remove any remaining salt. After use, the salt water must be flushed away and never re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies.

Salt water cleansing is considered one of the best and most thorough ways to cleanse crystals, but please be aware that this method must be avoided for certain crystals as it can have an adverse effect on them and even change their appearance and properties! Stones that should not be soaked in salt water include crystals that are porous, contain metal or have a water content, for example Opal. Stones and minerals that should be kept away from salt include Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Hematite, etc.


Another salt method is to half-fill a glass bowl with sea salt (or cooking salt) and place your crystals directly into the salt. Either bury them into the dry salt or leave them on the surface. They should be left in the salt for several hours, overnight or for several days. Your crystals should then be rinsed thoroughly under cool running water to remove any remaining salt. After use, the salt must be thrown away and never re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies.

Again, take care when placing your crystals directly onto dry salt as the salt can have an adverse effect on certain crystals, as explained above.


This is considered the safest salt-cleansing method and should be used where the crystals may otherwise be damaged by direct contact with salt. This is also a good method if you are cleansing gem stones found in jewellery or gems surrounded by metal.

First, fill a glass bowl half to two thirds full with dry sea salt (or cooking salt). Then place a smaller glass container or shallow drinking glass and half-bury this glass into the salt. You can then place your crystals directly into the empty glass which is sitting half buried in the dry salt. The salt will still be able to draw out the stored energies within the stones but this method will take longer to work than direct contact with salt. You may also pour just enough water (preferably pure, distilled or mineral water) into the smaller glass container, just enough to cover the crystals. This will protect them and prevent direct ‘salt exposure’ or ‘salty air’ from causing any corrosion or adverse effects to any metals or other fittings that may surround the gems. Also, bear in mind that certain crystals should not be left to soak in water.

The used salt should be thrown away and never re-used.


All crystals can be cleansed safely by placing them inside an Amethyst Geode Cave overnight or for 24-48 hours. An Amethyst Druse, Cluster, or Bed can also be used in the same way. A Clear Quartz Geode, Bed or Cluster provides a faster cleansing process than Amethyst, but both methods are equally as effective. Simply place no more than a few crystals onto the crystal points and leave for anything up to 24-48 hours. These crystal cluster formations (both Amethyst and Quartz) have the ability to absorb the energies contained within crystals, neutralise the energies and then release ‘good’ energy from the cluster back into the crystals being cleansed, so they can effectively cleanse and energise at the same time.


Another popular method of cleansing crystals is by ‘Smudging’. This involves burning either Smudge Sticks or Incense Sticks and holding the crystals in the smoke to cleanse the stored energies. Several types of incense are specifically recommended for this because, when burned, they release certain elements into the air via the smoke which can effectively remove bad and built-up energies. The following incense sticks are particularly recommended for effective smudging: Sage and Sweetgrass, Sandalwood or Cedarwood (available from our Web Store). A feather can be used to fan the smoke across the crystals and this only needs to be done for a short amount of time. 20 to 30 seconds should be long enough.


You can also use visualisation or ‘thought energy’ to cleanse crystals. Simply hold the crystal, focus on it, and visualise a bright white light surrounding the crystal, followed by a beam of white light coming down through the stone, passing all the way through the stone, taking away stored energy within the stone. Do this until you feel happy that the white light has done its job and flushed away the stored energies. The ‘thought energy’ generated by you will be transmitted to the stone and this cleansing energy will do the job of clearing the stone of its stored energies.


Once your crystal has been cleansed you will need to energise it again so that it can continue to release its own natural vibrations and energies. There are several ways to energise crystals and the most popular methods are as follows:


Allow your crystals to sit in a drinking glass or bowl under cool running tap water for several minutes, 10-20 minutes should be long enough. If you are near to a natural running river, stones can be placed in an open mesh bag and left for a short time in the natural running water. Running water can also cleanse as well as energise the stones at the same time.

Please check that your crystal can be emerged safely in water, since some should not be left to soak in water as this can have an adverse effect on them. Specifically, porous stones or those with high metal content.


The natural energies transmitted by the Sun and Moon can also energise your crystals with natural energies. Many people like to leave their newly cleansed stones under Moonlight and Sunlight for a day or two to allow them to absorb the different energies from the Moon and Sun. The Sun provides a stronger energy, whereas the Moon has a more gentle energy.

When leaving crystals in Sunlight, please be aware that some coloured stones may fade over a period of time if left in strong sunlight too often. This can happen with Amethyst, for example. In this case, try not to leave your crystals in strong sun for more than an hour or so. To be on the safe side, place in sunlight during sunrise and/or sunset because the sun’s rays won’t be as strong during these times of the day.


Native Americans believe that it’s not always necessary to energise crystals with any of the above methods because they will naturally energise themselves from our body’s own energy field when they are picked up and handled, or rubbed between the palms of the hands. So this is another method you may want to consider.

Feel free to do whatever you feel is best for you and your crystals, or you may wish to use one or all the above methods when energising your own crystals.


Before starting, you may want to clear the room and yourself of extra or unwanted energies by using a cleansing Smudging Stick or Incense.

To program a crystal for specific use or with specific energies, sit quietly away from distractions or strong electrical devices and external energies, then hold the crystal in front of you, clear your mind and focus on the stone. Give the crystal a cleanse with white light as explained above. Concentrate on the specific energy that you wish to program the crystal with, and ‘transmit’ the energies and thoughts from your mind directly to the stone. Be clear and direct when doing this and don’t try to confuse or overload the crystal with different thoughts and energies. Do these until you feel happy that the required thoughts and energies have been transmitted to the stone.


The Gayatri Mantra begins from the word Aum whose meaning and significance has been explained in Mandukyopanishad. The word ‘Aum’ is in itself a hymn which is also called ‘Pranava’. This word contains three letters A, U, M. The letter A represents the cosmos, the body of Virat Brahma. When subtle Brahma (Supreme Eternal Being) manifests or projects himself into vast universe which can be visualized by the mind or by the senses it is called Virat or Vaishvanar. In this shape, magnificence of God is fully reflected. The letter U stands for intellectual design of creation, the totality of all subtle subjects and Brahma possessed of subtly differentiated creation is called Hiranyagarbha (also Sutratma or Prana) where every being is in the illumined shape of self-born sperm and foetus. The letter M stands for Saguna Brahma or Ishvar where Brahma described also as Omniscient and Omnipotent Being is the Creator, the Sustainer and the Destroyer of the world. Thus all the three letters combined together give description of God in three different ways.

The remaining part of Gayatri Mantra finds place in thirty-sixth chapter of Yajurveda. The word Savitri (or Savita) has two meanings—(1) the sun (2) One that inspires. Here the word Savita has been used in the sense of God who inspires us. Due to some confusion some people say that this hymn prays the sun.

The words bhoorbhuvah svah tell about the body of Brahma (Supreme Being). Bhoor or Bhooh means Being or matter and energy of the universe. Bhuvah means space and Svah means Atma or the Self or the Spirit. If we want to see God, we can see Him in anything visible in the universe. If we separate matter, energy and space, then we can know God through self-realization for in that position God is formless, weightless, consciousness or knowledge, all-pervading, all-knowing, omnipotent, eternal, imperishable and abode of bliss. Then God is called Paramatma.

Thus we can understand Gayatri Mantra in brief in the following manner -

That omnipotent God (Supreme Being) pervades all matter, energy, space and consciousness. That (tat) God is the source of inspiration (savituh), is most venerable (varenyam), and is pure in character (bhargah). Our mind should take hold (dhimahi) of that divine power (devasya). May that Supreme Being (yah) lead (prachodayat) our (nah) wisdom (dhiyah) towards good path.

Gayatri Mantra is very significant for us because it describes, in brief, essence of God or material and spiritual aspect of God. It is also a magnificent hymn or prayer that yokes the mind with Supreme Being.

यो भूतं च भव्‍य च सर्व यश्‍चाधितिष्‍ठति

स्‍वर्यस्‍य च केवलं तस्‍मै ज्‍येष्‍ठाय ब्रह्मणे नम: ।

(Reverential obeisance to Brahma (Supreme Being) who is the past and the future and who precedes and pervades all beings, and who presides over divinity and who alone exists)

Atharva Veda Kand 10 Sukta 8(1)


The owner’s father Mr. Jagdishchandra Pandya is a Reiki Master himself with a thorough knowledge of Reiki’s benefits, use and applications. He also knows the Crystal & Pendulum Therapy including its perfect way to look into various charts. In any case you find your interest towards this area; you are most welcome to enquire about the same anytime. He runs professional classes to make people understand their own body and leading a stress-free life.


Just for today, I will let go of anger.

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.


Crystal healing for animals is a newer healing modality for animal caregivers. The use of crystals dates back to at least 25,000 BC. One of the very wonderful aspects which I came across during my experiences with stones / crystals is that they not only work for human beings but also for animals, pets, plants and any living beings on this universe. In certain instances, dogs and cats have shown surprising results and attraction towards crystals and stones with a positive frame of development in them. The power of healing crystals can greatly influence the brightness and vitality of animal chakras.